Green Standards & Certifications
Learn how Otter Clean Energy Partners helps set your building apart and helps to reach Municipal and Third-Party Green Building Standards and Certifications.
Building successful projects
Achieving Third-Party Standards
On-Site Solar helps achieve green building standards in a number of ways. Many green standards and certifications utilize points whereas others look at the full story to determine your eligibility. Either way, generating solar on-site will give you a huge advantage.

Toronto Green Building Standard
City of Toronto’s Green Building Standard Developers was introduced to help achieve zero carbon buildings by 2030 in the Greater Toronto Area are facing heightened pressure to meet incredibly challenging energy and carbon targets without impacting the project pro-forma and adding complexity.
Buildings must now be 25% more energy efficient than the national code. Standard envelope and standard mechanical systems will fall short of this target, forcing developers to look at alternative technologies that are more costly and complex.
On-Site Solar helps in a number of areas of the Toronto Green Building Standard, including ENERGY EFFICIENCY, GHG & RESILIENCE under Tier 2 of the section GHG 2.1 Solar Readiness (Core), and GHG 2.2 On-Site Renewable Energy.
To learn more about how OCEP can help meet green standards, contact us today.
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Achieving Municipal Green Standards

Town of Halton Hills
Section 1.2 Low Carbon Energy: Utilize low emission mechanical systems, and/or install onsite renewables, to achieve an incremental percent CO2e reduction beyond the percent energy use reduction demonstrated for measure.

City of Ottawa
All newly constructed buildings with a footprint greater than 500 square metres (5,400 square feet) must be designed, delivered and certified by the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) as being LEED – Canada Certified at minimum.

City of Brampton
The municipalities of Vaughan, Brampton, and Richmond Hill worked collaboratively to develop the Sustainability Metrics Program. On-site Renewables can contribute up to 7 points—1/3 of the requirement for the minimum certification.

City of Vaughan
Guidelines state that all new buildings should be Solar Ready, and all surface parking design should future-proof for the potential installation of solar PV canopies.